Holiday home - Book to stay

Fair and flexible stay.

Our smart and automated system makes scheduling easy and equitable for every owner.

You’ll have peace of mind knowing you can enjoy your home during the times that matter to you.
Pre-define peak seasons

Our smart system allows that all owners get fair chance of stay during peak seasons.

Check availability

Creating a higher spacing and how people move through a unique and impactful campaign.

Book your stay - Add on-demand services

Creating a higher spacing and how people move through a unique and impactful campaign.

Change, reschedule your booking

Creating a higher spacing and how people move through a unique and impactful campaign.

You get proportionate to your share of ownership

(Total availability 330 days)
For example -
If you have 1/8 share

you get 330/8 = 41 days of stays

Fair & Flexible

Smart online booking app

Months Calender
Peak season stays
Days of continous stay

Flexible Bookings

Sometimes, plans change. Here’s what you need to know about changing your stay or booking consecutive stays.

Modify / change your existing stay

If you would like to change the dates of a stay you’ve booked and the dates are available, you can modify your stay. If a stay is within 48 hours of arrival, your Prosperty Home Manager can adjust your stay duration.

Cancelling your stay

We want to maximize the amount of dates available for booking, so last-minute cancellations are discouraged. Up to 31 days prior to arrival, you can cancel your stay without concern.

Cancellations made less than 30 days before your arrival are allowed twice over a 12-month rolling period, with additional late cancellations resulting in penalties. All cancellations trigger a notification to the other owners alerting them to the newly available dates.

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